Newfie Holi-dangers!

Yes, I just came up with that snazzy headline all on my own. <insert laugh, here because, I’m so funny>

Okay! Okay! Time to get serious. I hope you can feel the excitement in my words. Why am I so excited? We’ve officially gone past Halloween and have entered into “Christmas Season”. This is my favorite time of the year. I am a lover of frigid weather. Snow, ice, breath clouds, chattering teeth, fireplace hangouts with homemade hot cocoa and yes, the inevitable hike in heating costs because my Newfies refuse to come in until after multiple attempts and threats. It’s no secret that Newfies love the cold as well. Yet another reason why me and my newfs get along so well. But with this holiday cheer comes potential trips to the emergency vet or even worse, and we don’t want that! This blog is just a reminder that with holiday decorating, we have to make sure that we are Newfie proofing our home. Did you know that the berries on a mistletoe contain harmful components that can cause gastric irritation? Or, that the leaves and berries on holly, a very traditional Christmas time plant, are highly poisonous to our dogs? Are you aware that the very popular poinsettia can cause gastrointestinal damage as well as kidney failure? Any plants coming into your home at any time of the year should be researched first but these particular plants are very popular this time of the year and the amount of dogs being seen in the emergency vets for these simple things that could’ve been avoided, are staggering. So, be careful with those plants, people.

More commonly known dangers are things we all have at this time of year. Christmas Trees. Yep! If you have a real tree, please be sure to block a path to the water provided for your tree. This water can contain bacterias and really do a number on your pups belly and gastro areas. Be sure to secure all trees to avoid toppling over onto your dog. The weight of those trees can cause damage on your pups skin and bones, alike. Ornaments can be your enemy when it comes to your dogs. Some are small enough to eat in one bite. Others can break and cause damage going through your pups system. That is a big problem and something to keep in mind when choosing your ornaments. Tinsel, garland, especially garland that is made from foods…popcorn, cranberries, etc., are things you want to avoid. A note for all the bakers, rising dough can still inflate when ingested and if that happens, it’s going to be an expensive night! NEVER feed your dogs bones! Bones of these birds can break off into super sharp pieces and can cause internal bleeding, damage and even death. So, NO BONES! Many of us are lighting candles, fireplaces and menorahs so we need to be cautious and make sure those fluffy Newfie tales don’t flap around and find out. Also, electric cords from traditional lights and decor can cause significant issues. Newfie proof all of that. Some of these newer led lights have battery packs so please be sure to secure those to prevent your pups from ingesting battery acid.

Most of these things are common sense and we, as responsible dog owners, are already operating this way. This is more of a reminder of the not so commonly known things as well as to the newbies to the dog world. We want all our fellow dog/newfie families to have an amazing Christmas season. And from all of us at B’sharri’s Breeze Newfoundlands, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!

New pics will be coming soon but here are some of our holidays past with our Newfie babies.


Worrisome Worms!


Newfie Life~Break in Breeding